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Kinesiologia ; 43(1): 52-66, 20240315.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552601


Introducción. La parálisis cerebral (PC) es una de las principales causas de discapacidad en la población infantil, afectando diversas áreas del desarrollo como la función motora gruesa; equilibrio y marcha. Hay evidencia de los beneficios de la terapia acuática y de cómo puede complementar la rehabilitación. Objetivo. Describir la efectividad de las intervenciones acuáticas en personas con PC, determinar mejoras en la función motora gruesa uso de métodos, protocolos y dosificación. Métodos. Se analizaron 9 estudios aleatorizados controlados desde el 2012 a la fecha, seleccionados por un experto y cuyos sujetos tenían PC espástica, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) I a IV, entre los 2 y 20 años. Post intervención acuática se reportan mejoras significativas en el promedio de los ítems medidos por Gross motor function measure (GMFM). De los métodos que contribuyeron a mejoras se encuentra Halliwick y ejercicios acuáticos sin un programa específico. Resultados. Se obtuvieron mejoras de 35 a 100 minutos, y de 12 a 30 sesiones en total. No se logra concluir el tipo de terapia más efectiva, ya que las medidas de resultado y las características de los sujetos eran diversas. Conclusión. Una dosificación mínima de 2 veces por semana, 35 minutos de intervención en un total de 16 sesiones (9,3 horas en total) pareciera mejorar la función motora gruesa, cuyos resultados son transferibles a las actividades en tierra inmediatamente, sin embargo, no se obtiene información si se mantienen a mediano o largo plazo.

Background. Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the main causes of disability in the child population, affecting various areas of development such as gross motor function; balance and gait. There is evidence of the benefits of aquatic therapy and how it can complement rehabilitation. Objective. to describe the effectiveness of aquatic interventions in people with CP, to determine improvements in gross motor function using methods, protocols, and dosage. Methods. Nine randomized controlled studies were analyzed from 2012 to date, selected by an expert and whose subjects had spastic CP, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) I to IV, between 2 and 20 years of age. Results. After the aquatic intervention, significant improvements were reported in the average of the Gross motor function measure (GMFM) items measured. Of the methods that contributed to improvements, there is Halliwick and aquatic exercises without a specific program. Results. Improvements were obtained from 35 to 100 minutes, and from 12 to 30 sessions in total. It is not possible to conclude the most effective type of therapy, since the outcome measures and the characteristics of the subjects were diverse. Conclusion. A minimum dosage of 2 times per week, 35 minutes of intervention in a total of 16 sessions (9.3 hours in total) seems to improve gross motor function, the results of which are immediately transferable to activities on land, however, it is not obtains information if they are maintained in the medium or long term.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3623, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1534105


Resumo A participação de crianças com paralisia cerebral (PC) em atividades de recreação e lazer pode ser influenciada por fatores ambientais. O reconhecimento e compreensão desses fatores como barreiras ou facilitadores dessas atividades são essenciais para garantir o direito de participação dessas crianças em condições de igualdade com as demais pessoas da sociedade. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi identificar as barreiras e facilitadores ambientais na participação de crianças com PC em atividades de recreação e lazer. Utilizou-se o método de revisão integrativa proposto por Whittemore e Knafl (2005). Estudos publicados entre 2011 e 2022 nos idiomas português e/ou inglês foram selecionados a partir das fontes de indexação MEDLINE via PubMed, EMBASE, SciELO, LILACS, SCOPUS e Web of Science. Nove estudos foram incluídos na revisão - a maioria de desenho transversal e abordagem qualitativa. Os seguintes facilitadores da participação foram identificados: apoio dos pais, pares e professores; interação com adultos; terapias; condições materiais; atividades em casa, na escola e na comunidade; diversidade de brinquedos; e atividades culturais. As seguintes barreiras à participação foram identificadas: falta de acesso a transportes públicos; atitudes negativas; falta de escolha e menor interação dos pais; e falta de adequação das atividades. A Classificação de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) e os conceitos pirâmide de participação e família de constructos foram fundamentais para identificar as barreiras e facilitadores ambientais na participação de crianças com PC. Sugere-se que estudos futuros sejam conduzidos para avaliar a qualidade e a força da evidência para participantes com 11 anos de idade incompletos.

Abstract The participation of children with cerebral palsy (CP) in recreation and leisure activities can be influenced by environmental factors. The recognition and understanding of these factors as barriers or facilitators of these activities are essential to guarantee the right of these children to participate on equal terms with other people in society. In this context, the objective of this integrative review was to identify environmental barriers and facilitators in the participation of children with CP in recreation and leisure activities. The integrative review method proposed by Whittemore and Knafl (2005) was used. Studies published between 2011 and 2022 in Portuguese and/or English were selected from MEDLINE indexing sources via PubMed, EMBASE, SciELO, LILACS, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Nine studies were included in the review - most of them cross-sectional in design and qualitative in approach. The following participation facilitators were identified: support from parents, peers and teachers; interaction with adults; therapies; material conditions; activities at home, school and in the community; diversity of toys; and cultural activities. The following barriers to participation were identified: lack of access to public transport; negative attitudes; lack of choice and less parental interaction; and lack of adequacy of activities. The Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the concepts of participation pyramid and family of constructs were fundamental in identifying environmental barriers and facilitators in the participation of children with CP. It is suggested that future studies be conducted to assess the quality and strength of the evidence for participants under 11 years of age.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023043, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535360


ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the environmental factors of children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in the state of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study involving 164 caregivers of children/adolescents with CP, aged 1-14 years. The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and the Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) were used to classify the participants' functioning, and environmental factors were evaluated by an on-line questionnaire that examined products and technologies, physical environment, services, and systems. A descriptive analysis was performed using percentage and frequency. Results: Most participants had bilateral CP (66.9%) and 45% of them were spastic. Levels II and V of the GMFCS and MACS were the most frequent. About half (49.4%) used anticonvulsants, 27.4% underwent botulinum toxin application, and 29% went through orthopedic surgery in the lower limbs. Among the participants, 71.3% used orthoses in the lower limbs, and 51.8% used the public health care system. Most had access to physiotherapy (91.5%), but found difficulties to access interventions with other professionals, such as psychologists (28%) and nutritionists (37.8%). The school was the most frequently adapted environment (78%), and had the highest level of structural adaptation (42.7%). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the barriers to access health services and barriers to the physical environment may impact participation and social inclusion.

RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar os fatores ambientais de crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral (PC) no estado de Minas Gerais (MG), Brasil. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal envolvendo 164 cuidadores de crianças/adolescentes com PC, na faixa etária de um a 14 anos. O Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (GMFCS) e o Sistema de Classificação da Habilidade Manual (MACS) foram utilizados para classificar a funcionalidade dos participantes e os fatores ambientais foram avaliados por um questionário on-line que abordou produtos e tecnologias, ambiente físico, serviços e sistemas. Análises descritivas foram realizadas por meio de porcentagem e frequência. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes tinha PC bilateral (66,9%) e 45% deles eram espásticos. Os níveis II e V do GMFCS e MACS foram os mais frequentes. Cerca de metade (49,4%) fazia uso de anticonvulsivantes, 27,4% realizaram aplicação de toxina botulínica e 29% cirurgia ortopédica em membros inferiores. Utilizavam órteses em membros inferiores 71,3% e eram usuários do sistema público de saúde 51,8%. A maioria tinha acesso à fisioterapia (91,5%), mas dificuldade de acesso a intervenções com outros profissionais, como psicólogos (28%) e nutricionistas (37,8%). A escola foi o ambiente mais frequentado (78%) e também mais adaptado estruturalmente (42,7%). Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que barreiras de acesso aos serviços de saúde e barreiras no ambiente físico podem impactar a participação e inclusão social.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(4): e2021, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520240


ABSTRACT Purposes: To assess the efficacy of botulinum toxin A injection in the treatment of strabismus in patients with neurological impairment and evaluate the factors associated with treatment success. Methods: The study included 50 patients with strabismus and neurological impairment. In all children, botulinum toxin injection was performed into the appropriate extraocular muscle. The relationship between demographic features, clinical characteristics, and treatment success were analyzed. Results: In the study group, 34 patients had esotropia, and 16 patients had exotropia. As neurological problems, 36 patients had cerebral palsy, and 14 had hydrocephalus. The average follow-up period was 15.3 ± 7.3 months. The mean number of injections was 1.4 ± 0.6. The mean angle of deviation was 42.5 ± 13.2 PD before the treatment, which decreased to 12.8 ± 11.9 PD after the treatment. Successful motor alignment (orthotropia within 10 PD) was achieved in 60% of the patients. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that esotropic misalignment and shorter duration of strabismus was significantly associated with treatment success in the study group. Patients with esotropia and lower angles of misalignment were more likely to be treated with a single injection. Conclusion: The use of botulinum toxin A for the treatment of strabismus in children with neurological impairment is a good alternative to conventional surgical therapy with a lower risk of overcorrection. The treatment outcome is better in esodeviations and shorter duration of strabismus, implying an advantage of early treatment.

RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia do uso de toxina bo-tulínica tipo A no tratamento do estrabismo em pacientes com comprometimento neurológico e avaliar os fatores associados ao sucesso do tratamento. Métodos: Cinquenta pacientes com estrabismo e comprometimento neurológico foram incluídos no estudo. Em todas as crianças, a toxina botulínica tipo A foi injetada no músculo extraocular apropriado. A relação entre características demográficas, características clínicas e o sucesso do tratamento foram analisadas. Resultados: No grupo de estudo, 34 pacientes tiveram esotropia e 16 pacientes tiveram exotropia, sendo trinta e seis pacientes com paralisia cerebral e 14 pacientes com hidrocefalia. O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 15,3 ± 7,3 meses. O número médio de aplicações foi de 1,4 ± 0,6. O ângulo de desvio médio foi de 42,5 ± 13,2 DP antes do tratamento e diminuiu para 12,8 ± 11,9 DP após o tratamento. Alinhamento motor bem sucedido (ortotropia dentro de 10 DP) foi alcançado em 60% dos pacientes. A análise de regressão logística binária revelou que o desalinhamento esotrópico e uma menor duração do estrabismo foram significativamente associados ao sucesso do tratamento no grupo de estudo. Pacientes esotrópicos com ângulos de desalinhamento menores são mais propensos a serem tratados com uma única aplicação. Conclusão: O uso da toxina botulínica tipo A para o tratamento de estrabismo em crianças com comprometimento neurológico é uma boa alternativa para a terapia cirúrgica convencional com menor risco de hipercorreção. O resultado do tratamento é melhor em exodesvios e em pacientes com estrabismo de menor duração, implicando em vantagem para o tratamento precoce.

Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 37: e37104, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528624


Abstract Introduction Spastic hemiparetic cerebral palsy (CP) is the most prevalent type of CP. Children with spastic hemiparesis experience difficulties when using their affected upper extremities, and one effective treatment is the Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT). The study of rest-activity patterns provides information on children's daily activities with spastic hemiparetic CP during the day and sleep. Objective To investigate the effect of CIMT on the rest-activity patterns in children with spastic hemiparetic CP vs in a healthy group. Methods Nonrandomized controlled trial was conducted at the Neuropediatric Center of the Hospital de Clínicas Complex, in Curitiba, Brazil. Children with spastic hemi-paretic CP between 5 and 16 years old participated in the study group and receive the CIMT. The healthy group was composed of children between 5 and 15 years old. Both groups used accelerometer to record rest-activity patterns, that may be studied through nonparametric variables of accelerometer: M10 (an individual's most active 10h); L5 (an individual's least active 5h); and RA (relative amplitude of the circadian rest-activity patterns). Results Forty-five children were recruited, and 38 were included in the analyses (19 allocated to each group). In the study group, there was a significant increase in M10 and L5 (p < 0.001) after CIMT. The values of M10 and L5 were significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the healthy group compared to the study group after CIMT. Conclusion Our results showed that children with spastic hemiparetic CP became more active and participant in their daily life during the day as well as more efficient sleeping.

Resumo Introdução A paralisia cerebral (PC) hemiparética espástica é o tipo de PC mais prevalente. Crianças com hemiparesia es-pástica apresentam dificuldades ao usar as extremidades superiores afetadas e um tratamento eficaz é a Terapia por Contensão Induzida (TCI). O estudo dos padrões de atividade-repouso fornece informações sobre as atividades diárias de crianças com PC hemiparética espástica durante o dia e o sono. Objetivo Investigar o efeito da TCI nos padrões de repouso-atividade em crianças com PC hemiparética espástica versus um grupo saudável. Métodos Realizou-se um ensaio controlado não randomizado no Centro de Neuropediatria do Complexo do Hospital de Clínicas, Curitiba, Brasil. Crianças com PC hemi-parética espástica entre 5 e 16 anos participaram do grupo de estudo e receberam a TCI. O grupo saudável foi composto por crianças entre 5 e 15 anos. Ambos os grupos utilizaram um acelerômetro para registrar padrões de atividade-repouso, os quais podem ser estudados através de variáveis não paramé-tricas do acelerômetro: M10 (10h mais ativas de um indivíduo); L5 (5h menos ativas de um indivíduo); e AR (amplitude rela-tiva dos padrões de atividade-repouso). Resultados Foram recrutadas 45 crianças e 38 foram incluídas nas análises (19 alocadas em cada grupo). No grupo de estudo, houve aumento significativo de M10 e L5 (p < 0,001) após TCI. Os valores de M10 e L5 foram significativamente maiores (p < 0,001) no grupo saudável em comparação ao grupo de estudo após TCI. Conclusão Os resultados do presente estudo mostraram que crianças com PC hemiparética espástica tornaram-se mais ativas e participantes de sua vida diária durante o dia, bem como dormiram mais eficientemente.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023093, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550675


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the current state of the art in the therapeutic administration of botulinum toxin with indications, efficacy, and safety profile for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Data source: An integrative review was conducted. The MEDLINE/PubMed database was searched twice within the last decade using distinct terms, and only studies written in the English language were included. The study population was limited to those aged 0-18 years. Articles that were duplicates or lacked sufficient methodology information were excluded. Data synthesis: We found 256 articles, of which 105 were included. Among the included studies, most were conducted in developed countries. Botulinum toxin demonstrated good safety and efficacy in reducing spasticity, particularly when administered by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. It is primarily utilized to improve gait and upper limb function, facilitate hygiene care, reduce pain, prevent musculoskeletal deformities, and even decrease sialorrhea in patients without a functional prognosis for walking. Conclusions: The administration of botulinum toxin is safe and efficacious, especially when combined with a multi-professional rehabilitation team approach, which increases the probability of functional improvement. It can also be beneficial for patients with significant functional impairments to help with daily care tasks, such as hygiene, dressing, and reducing sialorrhea. Pediatricians must be familiar with this treatment and its indications to attend to and refer patients promptly when necessary, and to exploit their neuroplasticity. Further research on this topic is required in developing countries.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o estado da arte em aplicação terapêutica de toxina botulínica com indicações, eficácia e perfil de segurança em crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral. Fontes de dados: Realizada revisão integrativa através de busca na base de dados MEDLINE/PubMed em dois momentos nos últimos 10 anos, e termos distintos, em inglês, numa população entre 0 e 18 anos de idade. Excluiu-se artigos duplicados ou com informações insuficientes de metodologia. Síntese dos dados: 256 artigos foram encontrados e 105 foram incluídos, sendo a maior parte realizados em países desenvolvidos. A toxina botulínica mostrou boa segurança e efetividade na redução da espasticidade, especialmente administrada por uma equipe de reabilitação multiprofissional, usada principalmente para: melhora da marcha e da função dos membros superiores, facilitação dos cuidados de higiene, analgesia e prevenção de deformidades musculoesqueléticas, além de redução da sialorreia, inclusive em pacientes sem prognóstico funcional de marcha. Conclusões: A aplicação de toxina botulínica foi efetiva e segura, principalmente quando atrelada a uma abordagem por equipe de reabilitação multiprofissional, o que aumenta as chances de melhora funcional. Mostrou-se benéfica também para pacientes com grandes comprometimentos funcionais para facilitar os seus cuidados diários em relação à higiene, colocar e tirar roupas e redução da sialorreia. O pediatra deve estar familiarizado com esse tratamento e suas indicações para atender e direcionar pacientes o mais breve possível quando indicado e aproveitar o máximo de neuroplasticidade. Há necessidade de investimentos em mais pesquisas sobre este tema em países em desenvolvimento.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550677


ABSTRACT Objective: The current study aimed to translate the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) into Brazilian Portuguese and analyze the reliability of the translated version for a population of Brazilian infants. Methods: This was a methodological study, approved by the Ethics Committee, carried out between June 2020 and May 2021. HINE is a standardized clinical neurological examination used for the early detection of cerebral palsy. The quantitative section, "neurological examination", contains 26 items scored from 0 to 3 points, divided into five categories: cranial nerve function, posture, movements, muscle tone and reflexes, and reactions. The HINE translation followed four steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, and evaluation by an expert committee. To verify the reliability of the HINE-Br (Portuguese-Brazil version) two independent examiners evaluated 43 infants, between 3 and 22 months of age. Internal consistency was verified by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and interrater reliability by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: The translated version was similar to the original version and a few semantic and idiomatic adjustments were necessary. Appropriate internal consistency (Alpha=0.91) was found for the 26 items of the HINE-Br, as well as strong interrater reliability for the total score (ICC2.1=0.95), and also for the five categories (ICC2.1=0.83-0.95). Conclusions: The HINE-Br presents adequate rates of internal consistency and interrater reliability, and can be used for the evaluation of children at risk for cerebral palsy, between 3 and 24 months of age, by pediatricians and pediatric physical therapists.

RESUMO Objetivo: Traduzir o Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) para o português brasileiro e analisar a confiabilidade da versão traduzida em lactentes brasileiros. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, aprovado por Comitê de Ética, realizado entre junho de 2020 e maio de 2021. O HINE é um exame clínico neurológico padronizado, utilizado para detecção precoce de paralisia cerebral. A seção quantitativa, "exame neurológico", contém 26 itens pontuados de 0 a 3, divididos em 5 categorias: função dos nervos cranianos; postura; movimentos; tônus muscular e reflexos; e reações. A tradução do HINE seguiu quatro etapas: tradução; síntese; retrotradução; e avaliação por um comitê de especialistas. Dois examinadores independentes avaliaram 43 lactentes, entre 3 e 22 meses, utilizando a versão HINE-Br (versão em português brasileiro), para verificar sua confiabilidade. A consistência interna foi verificada pelo coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach e a confiabilidade interexaminadores pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). Resultados: A versão traduzida foi semelhante à versão original e poucos ajustes semânticos e idiomáticos foram necessários. Encontrou-se consistência interna adequada (Apha=0,91) para os 26 itens do HINE-Br, bem como forte confiabilidade interexaminadores para o escore total (CCI2,1=0,95) e também para as cinco categorias (CCI2,1=0,83-0,95). Conclusões: O HINE-Br apresenta índices adequados de consistência interna e confiabilidade interexaminadores, podendo ser utilizada para avaliação de crianças com risco de apresentar paralisia cerebral, entre 3 e 24 meses de idade, por pediatras e fisioterapeutas infantis.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514470


El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), es trastorno del neurodesarrollo que se caracteriza por algún grado de dificultad en la interacción social y la comunicación, que comienza en el periodo de desarrollo temprano, y se clasifica según el grado de severidad en grado 1, 2 y 3, según lo establecido en el DSM-5. Dicho Trastorno se encuentra abarcado por la Ley 7125 de Pensión Vitalicia para Personas con Parálisis Profunda, y su reforma 8769. Con el objetivo de analizar los criterios establecidos para la valoración de estos procesos, se presenta el caso de una persona masculina de 6 años con diagnóstico de TEA, de quien se interpuso demanda para ser tomado en cuenta dentro de dicha Ley. En el mismo y tras el análisis respectivo, de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura científica actualizada, y de los criterios establecidos, se pudo constatar que si calificaba según lo indicado en la Ley 7125.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by some degree of difficulty in social interaction and communication, which begins in the early development period, and is classified according to the degree of severity in grade 1, 2 and 3, as established in the DSM-5. Said Disorder is covered by Law 7125 of Life Pension for people with deep cerebral palsy, and its reform 8769. In order to analyze the criteria established for the assessment of these processes, the case of a 6-year-old male person with diagnosis of ASD, of whom a lawsuit was filed to be taken into account within said Law. In it and after the respective analysis, according to the data of the updated scientific literature, and the established criteria, it was possible to verify that if qualified as indicated in Law 7125.

Humans , Male , Child , Pensions , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Universal Health Coverage , Costa Rica
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(supl.4): 18-24, oct. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521197


Resumen Los nacimientos prematuros representan un in dicador importante de salud de un país. Estos niños tienen un mayor riesgo de mortalidad y morbilidad. Las principales lesiones encefálicas en los prematuros incluyen lesiones de la sustancia blanca, hemorragias intracraneanas y lesiones cerebelosas, que pueden ser detectadas mediante ecografía encefálica y resonancia magnética, siendo esta última la técnica más sensible. Estas lesiones pueden tener repercusión a largo plazo en el neurodesarrollo de los prematuros, con un mayor riesgo de parálisis cerebral, trastornos cognitivos, con ductuales, sensoriales y del aprendizaje, entre otros. Es fundamental aplicar estrategias de prevención y aten ción temprana para reducir las consecuencias negativas de las lesiones encefálicas asociadas a la prematuridad.

Abstract Premature births are an important health indicator for a country. These children have a higher risk of mor tality and morbidity. The main brain injuries in preterm infants include white matter injuries, intracranial hem orrhages, and cerebellar injuries. These injuries can be detected through brain ultrasound and magnetic reso nance imaging (MRI), with MRI being the most sensitive technique. Perinatal brain injuries may have long-term consequences on the neurodevelopment of preterm infants, with an increased risk of cerebral palsy, cogni tive, behavioral, sensory, and learning disorders, among others. It is key to implement prevention strategies and early intervention to reduce the negative consequences of brain injuries associated with prematurity.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 487-498, Jul.-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514249


Abstract Introduction Between 15% to 30% of individuals with bilateral prelingual sensorineural hearing loss present with associated disabilities. Cochlear implant (CI) is an alternative treatment that provides consistent access to environmental and speech sounds, which results in significant benefits regarding quality of life and auditory and language development. Objectives To study the auditory and communicative performance of individuals with CI and delayed neuropsychomotor development after a minimum of five years using the device. Methods A total of eight patients were included in the study. We collected the multidisciplinary clinical records of participants, as well as the answers for the questionnaires applied remotely, which included the Children with Cochlear Implants: Parental Perspectives (CCIPP), International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY), and the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). Results We found that throughout the years of CI use, the auditory threshold means improved significantly in all tested frequencies, as did the speech detection threshold and the language and hearing results. Regarding parental perception, parents evaluated aspects related to their children's social relations to be positive, and had worse perceptions regarding aspects related to their education. Conclusion We observed a progression in the participants' auditory and language skills throughout the years of CI use; even in the presence of other associated disabilities. Future multicentric studies with larger samples are needed to further the advancement of rehabilitation in patients with other associated disabilities.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2023 Jun; 67(2): 118-124
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223987


Objectives: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor impairment syndrome leading to disorders of movement and posture. Screening of electrophysiological parameters Hoffman reflex (H-reflex and nerve conduction velocities) becomes a necessary for the early detection and management of the disease. The study aimed to assess the various electrophysiological parameters of nerve conduction velocity in CP and age-matched normal children. Matrials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was performed between children suffering from CP and healthy control. A total of 27 children of 12–24 months of age of either sex were examined. Among them, six children were normal (with age match), seven were diagnosed with spastic CP and remaining 14 children were diagnosed with hypotonic CP The electrophysiological parameters were recorded in the right lower limb (posterior tibial nerve-soleus muscle) of all children. Results: In electrophysiological parameters, H-reflex latency in secs values was significantly decreased in all CP children. The maximum amplitudes of reflexly excitable motor neurons (Hmax) (mV) and Hmax/maximum amplitude of motor response ratio in the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle were significantly increased in spastic CPas compared to control. H-reflex conduction velocity (HRCV) was significantly higher than motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) in hypotonic CP children. Conclusion: The electrophysiological parameters were altered in spastic CP children. The electrophysiological parameters in hypotonic CP were within range, indicating they did not suppress the neuronal motor pool. However, HRCV was significantly more than MNCV in hypotonic CP, suggesting some myelination process defect/white matter injury in motor neurons. We concluded that the electrophysiological parameters of the nerve conduction study are a reliable test for the assessment of tone of muscles in children. Thus, it may help in the early initiation of the treatment and therapies in CP children.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218121


Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. Quality of life (QOL) has emerged as an important concept in childhood, especially for children with disabilities. CP has an impact on a child’s capacity to do activities of daily living thus affecting QOL of patients and their families. Aims and Objectives: The objective of present study was to assess the QOL in children with CP. Materials and Methods: In this study, 29 children with CP in the age group of 4–12 years were evaluated for QOL was assessed using CPQOL-Child Primary Caregiver Questionnaire (4–12 years). The questionnaire was completed by one of the parents or their caregiver. Scores for each domain of QOL were converted to a scale ranging from 0 to 100 and analyzed. Results: The scores as reported by the parents were low for each of the domains with maximum effect seen in functioning domain and least in pain domain. Girls had better QOL than boys. The QOL scores were negatively related to the severity of CP which was assessed by gross motor function classification system suggesting that severity of disability had negative impact on QOL. Conclusion: QOL of children with CP was found to be poor and was influenced by age, sex and motor functioning

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(3): e202202764, jun. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1435920


La identificación temprana de la parálisis cerebral es aún en la actualidad un gran desafío para el sistema de salud en el mundo. Hubo grandes avances de la neonatología en disminuir la mortalidad, pero no así la morbimortalidad; la parálisis cerebral continúa siendo la secuela más común de todos los trastornos del desarrollo, especialmente entre quienes nacen prematuramente. La posibilidad de realizar detección precoz antes de los 5 meses de edad conlleva múltiples beneficios para el niño y su familia, ya que permite su incorporación muy temprana a tratamiento. En este trabajo describimos una herramienta con gran sensibilidad y especificidad conocida como evaluación de los movimientos generales de Prechtl y su posible complementación con aplicaciones tecnológicas para la detección temprana.

At present, the early identification of cerebral palsy still poses a major challenge for the health system worldwide. Great advances have been made in neonatology in reducing mortality, but not morbimortality. Cerebral palsy remains the most common sequela of all developmental disorders, especially among those born prematurely. The possibility of early detection before 5 months of age has many benefits for the child and their family, since it allows very early initiation of treatment. In this study, we describe a highly sensitive and specific tool known as Prechtl's assessment of general movements and its potential complementation with technological apps for early detection.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Cerebral Palsy/diagnosis , Neonatology , Infant, Premature , Movement
Acta fisiátrica ; 30(2): 81-86, jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516367


A Paralisia Cerebral (PC) é uma patologia amplamente conhecida e estudada entre os profissionais de saúde. No meio acadêmico, possui algumas classificações importantes que auxiliam a comunicação entre a equipe multiprofissional. O Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (Gross Motor Function Classification System -GMFCS) classifica a função motora grossa do indivíduo segundo a habilidade do movimento autoiniciado, sendo dividido em cinco níveis. O domínio sobre a classificação e nível motor da criança devem ser de responsabilidade da equipe multiprofissional bem como o conhecimento por parte dos pais e ou responsáveis. Esse saber, muitas vezes pode estar limitado, e com isso a relação entre os profissionais de saúde, família e paciente pode entrar em conflito, gerando dúvidas. Objetivo: Este estudo tem por finalidade quantificar a concordância entre o conhecimento dos pais e/ou responsáveis sobre a classificação da função motora grossa quando comparados à classificação dada pelos fisioterapeutas e médicos, assim como, quantificar o quanto destes pais e/ou responsáveis já tinham um conhecimento prévio da classificação. Método: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo observacional, com 96 pacientes, aos quais foram analisados em prontuário eletrônico. Sendo aplicado, então, o Questionário de Relato Familiar (GMFCS Family Report Questionnaire).Resultados: Em todas as variáveis dependentes avaliadas demonstrou-se uma taxa de concordância acima dos 60%; o valor de Kappa apresentado foi de k= >0,7, havendo, portanto, uma confiabilidade entre grupos de moderada a forte. Conclusão: Em geral, os profissionais de saúde se apresentam mais suscetíveis a classificarem os pacientes em níveis funcionais melhores do que quando comparados aos pais/responsáveis.

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a widely studied and known pathology between the health professionals and carries with it, in the academic environment, some important classifications that help the communication between professionals in a multidisciplinary team. The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) purpose is to classify the gross motor in the child based on the self-initiated movement ability, being divided in five levels. Just like the multidisciplinary team needs to be aware of this classification and the child level, the parents and/or caregivers also need to know about it and agree on it. This understanding can often be limited, and with that, the relationship between the health professionals and the family can conflict, presenting problems in the future. Objective: This study has the purpose to quantify agreement between the parents and/or caregivers about the classification of the gross motor function when compared with the classification given by the physiotherapy and physiatrist, as well as quantify how much the parents and/or caregivers knew about the previous classification.Method:It is a prospective observational study, done with 96 patients, in which the electronic medical records were analyzed and tabulated. Being then applied the GMFCS Family Repost Questionnaire. Results:All dependent variables who were evaluated demonstrated a concordance above 60%; the Kappa value present was k= >0.7, having, therefore, a moderate to strong reliability between the groups. Conclusion: In general, thehealth professionals are more susceptible to classify the patients on better functional levels when compared with the family.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(2): 117-123, jun. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516409


Objective: The present study sought to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy of robotic gait training in children with cerebral palsy (CP) gross motor function classification system (GMFCS) levels II, III and IV. Method: The medical records from 69 patients with CP, who participated in the Lokomat® protocol, were analyzed using a retrospective approach. The results from the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), 6-minute walk test (6MinWT), 10-meter walk test (10MWT) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) test were analyzed before and after the protocol was administered. Results: An improvement in GMFM was observed for all GMFCS levels. GMFCS level III patients showed a significant improvement in the 6MinWT (p= 0.01), and GMFCS level IV patients displayed a significant improvement in GMFM dimension B (p= 0.03). All tests showed a significant improvement when compared to their performance before the application of the protocol. Conclusion: The study suggests that all patients diagnosed with CP benefit from gait training, using the Lokomat® system, within their expected motor frame.

Objetivo: Verificar retrospectivamente a eficácia do treino de marcha com robótica (Lokomat®) em pacientes com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) níveis II, III e IV da Medida da Função Motora Grossa (GMFCS). Método: Análise retrospectiva descritiva do prontuário de 69 pacientes com PC que realizaram o protocolo da Lokomat®. Os resultados do teste de caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6M), teste de caminhada de 10 metros (TC10M), Timed Up and Go (TUG) e da Avaliação da Função Motora Grossa (GMFM) foram realizados e analisados pré e pós protocolo. Resultados: Foi observada uma melhora no GMFM para pacientes de todos os níveis do GMFCS. Pacientes GMFCS nível III apresentaram melhora significativa do TC6M (p= 0,01) e pacientes GMFCS nível IV apresentaram melhora significativa da dimensão B do GMFM (p= 0,03). Todos os testes mostraram melhoras significativas quando comparados aos resultados antes da aplicação do protocolo. Conclusão: O estudo sugere que todos os pacientes com diagnóstico de PC se beneficiaram do treino de marcha com uso da Lokomat® dentro de seu quadro motor esperado.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(2): 136-142, jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516452


Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos das intervenções com uso de Realidade Virtual (RV) para crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) baseando-se na estrutura da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade de Saúde (CIF). Método: Trata-se de revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados, realizada em julho de 2022. Foram investigadas intervenções relacionadas a fisioterapia associada aos jogos de RV para crianças com PC, idade de 6 a 12 anos nas bases de dados: PubMed, Cochrane, MedLine e PEDro. A qualidade metodológica foi avaliada pela Escala PEDro. Foram incluídos 9 estudos envolvendo total de 310 participantes, destes, 5 estavam inseridos em estrutura e funções do corpo, 9 artigos em atividade e nenhum estudo investigaram o componente participação ou fatores contextuais, sendo que alguns foram incluídos em mais do que um componente da CIF. Resultados: A função manual e o equilíbrio corporal foram os desfechos mais avaliados. Como limitação, destaca-se o pequeno número de estudos e a falta de dados sobre os componentes de participação e fatores contextuais. O ponto forte do estudo foi associar a CIF a uma categoria de reabilitação fisioterapêutica para esta população. Conclusão: Pesquisas experimentais recentes relacionadas ao uso da RV na fisioterapia de crianças com PC estão em sua maioria direcionadas ao componente de atividade da CIF. Mais estudos são necessários a fim de investigar se o aprendizado no ambiente terapêutico é transferido no contexto de vida desses indivíduos e se há impacto na participação e funcionalidade. Número de registro na Prospero: CRD42021260011.

Objective: To investigate the effects of interventions using Virtual Reality (VR) for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) based on the structure of the International Classification of Functioning, Health Disability (ICF). Method: This is a systematic review of randomized clinical trials, carried out in July 2022. Interventions related to physiotherapy associated with VR games for children with CP, aged 6 to 12 years, were investigated in the databases: PubMed, Cochrane, MedLine and PEDro. Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro Scale. Nine studies were included involving a total of 310 participants, of which 5 were inserted in the structure and functions of the body, 9 articles in activity and no study investigated the participation component or contextual factors, and some were included in more than one component of the CIF. Results: Manual function and body balance were the most appreciated results. As a limitation, the small number of studies and the lack of data on participation components and contextual factors stand out. The strong point of the study was to associate an ICF with a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation category for this population. Conclusion: Recent experimental studies related to the use of VR in the physical therapy of children with CP are mostly focused on the activity component of the ICF. More studies are needed in order to investigate whether learning in the therapeutic environment is transferred in the context of these individuals' lives and whether there is an impact on participation and functionality. Prospero registration number: CRD42021260011

Arq. gastroenterol ; 60(2): 194-200, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447390


ABSTRACT Background: Diets with modified consistencies for patients with dysphagia in long term care health institutions may be associated with malnutrition. Objective : To assess the nutritional status of adult patients with cerebral palsy and dysphagia hospitalized in a health institution for more than 10 years. Methods : This prospective investigation was performed in 56 patients with cerebral palsy (ages 25 to 71 years, mean: 44±12 years) and no other neurological diagnosis in hospital stay for more than 10 years had their nutritional status, dysphagia, and food ingestion capacity assessed in two moments with a 12-month interval in between them, respectively using the body mass index, the dysphagia risk assessment protocol (PARD), and the functional oral ingestion scale (FOIS). Results : There were no differences between December 2015 and December 2016 in the patients' weight, nutritional status, diet consistency classification, PARD, and FOIS. The limits of prescribed diet consistency (IDDSI-FDS) and the assessments of dysphagia and functional eating level influenced the nutritional status. More intense dysphagia and greater eating restrictions were associated with a worse nutritional status. Conclusion : The nutritional status of adult patients with cerebral palsy hospitalized in a health long term institution who had modified diets according to their swallowing and mastication capacity did not worsen between assessments with a 12-month interval in between them. The severity of dysphagia and diet restrictions interfere with the patients' nutritional status: dysphagia and more intense eating restrictions are associated with a worse nutritional status.

RESUMO Contexto: Dieta com consistência modificada para pacientes com disfagia internados em instituições por longa permanência pode causar desnutrição. Objetivo : Avaliar o estado nutricional de pacientes adultos com paralisia cerebral (PC) e disfagia internados em instituição de saúde por mais de dez anos. Métodos : É um estudo prospectivo realizado em 56 pacientes com PC com idades entre 25 e 71 anos, média: 44±12 anos. O estado nutricional, a disfagia e a capacidade de ingestão alimentar foram avaliados em dois momentos, separados por 12 meses, respectivamente pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC), protocolo de avaliação do risco de disfagia (PARD) e pela escala funcional de ingestão por via oral (FOIS), em 56 pacientes com PC internados em instituição hospitalar por mais de 10 anos, sem outro diagnóstico neurológico. Resultados : Não houve diferenças, entre dezembro de 2015 e dezembro de 2016, nas avaliações do peso, do estado nutricional, na classificação da consistência da dieta ingerida, na escala PARD para disfagia e na escala FOIS de avaliação de ingestão por via oral. Houve influência dos limites da consistência da dieta prescrita (IDDSI-FDS), da avaliação da disfagia e do nível funcional da alimentação no estado nutricional. Disfagia mais intensa e maior restrição alimentar foram associadas com pior estado nutricional. Conclusão : Em pacientes adultos com PC, avaliados com intervalo de 12 meses, não houve piora do estado nutricional. A intensidade da disfagia e as restrições alimentares são fatores que interferem no estado nutricional dos pacientes, disfagia e restrições alimentares mais intensas associadas com pior estado nutricional.

HIGLIGHTS •Diets with modified consistencies may cause malnutrition. •Patients with dysphagia in long term health institutions should ingest the prescribed amount of food to avoid malnutrition. •In patients with cerebral palsy with more intense dysphagia and greater eat restrictions are associated with the worse nutritional status. •The nutritional status of patients with cerebral palsy and dysphagia do not always worsen between assessments with 12-month interval.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220118


Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is a diagnostic term used to describe a group of motor syndromes resulting from disorders of early brain development. CP remains unexplained in most cases and is typically diagnosed outside the neonatal period. Visual impairment decreases the quality of life and hearing impairment hampers linguistic development. This study aimed to observe the visual and hearing impairment of children with cerebral palsy associated with developmental disabilities. Material & Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational descriptive study carried out in the department of Paediatric Neurology CMH Dhaka from March 2018 to February 2022. The participants (N=120) were from birth to 12 years of age. Detailed information was obtained in each case according to protocol. The pediatric neurologist based on the study definition crosschecked the diagnosis. The hearing assessment was done with the help of an Otolaryngologist in the department of Otolaryngology and the ophthalmological evaluation was done with the help of an ophthalmologist of the department of ophthalmology of CMH Dhaka. Hearing impairment, Ophthalmological motor disturbance, and developmental disabilities were correlated. A convenience sampling technique was used in this study. Relevant data were collected from hospital records. All the information was recorded in the fixed protocol. Collected data were classified, edited, coded, and entered into the computer for statistical analysis by using SPSS 2021. Results: In this study, among the 120 children with CP, the mean age of the study was 5.57(SD±3.89) age range of 2-12 years Males were 82(68%) and females were 38(32%), male-female ratio (sex M: F 2.15: 1). Spastic quadriplegia constitutes the predominant group 59(49%), followed by Spastic diplegia 21(18%), Spastic hemiplegia 20(17.5%), dyskinetic CP 09(8%), 7(6%) were mixed CP and 4(3%) were hypotonic CP. Hearing impairment was found in 87 (72%) cases and visual impairment was detected in 92(76%). Among them, the child with Spastic Quadriplegic (83%) and diplegic CP (62%) children had a hearing impairment. Regarding vision, no fix and follow were observed in 69(57%) cases. Among the studied CP child (n=120) 16 children (13.33%) had normal eye finding and 104 (86%) had abnormal eye findings. Refractive error (32.5%) and Squint (19%) were the most common ocular defect among studied patients. Other ocular defect were nystagmus(10%), optic atrophy(12.5%), microphthalmia(10%), corneal opacity(3%), optic hypoplasia(4.1%), cataract(2.5%), pigmentary retinopathy(5%), retro-lental fibroplasias(3.3%) and ptosis(2.5%). In children with hypotonic (athetoid) and mixed CP, almost all (11 of 11) children had visual impairment. Spastic quadriplegic CP children (80%) and Spastic diplegic CP children (90%) had one or more domains of visual impairment. Conclusion: Cerebral Palsy is a non-progressive various form of neurological disorder in children. Early visual screening and hearing assessment can help CP children to minimize mental retardation, learning difficulties, and speech delay.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440267


Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de un cuestionario específicamente diseñado para determinar el grado de conocimiento sobre salud bucal de cuidadores de niños con Parálisis Cerebral. Materiales y métodos: Participaron cien cuidadores de niños con Parálisis Cerebral, usuarios del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago. Se evaluó el instrumento mediante el análisis de componentes principales, se calcularon los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson para indagar los patrones de asociación existentes entre sus componentes, se analizó la confiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach) y, considerando los valores percentiles del promedio de las respuestas, se determinaron los puntajes de corte, estableciéndose los niveles de conocimiento reportados por los participantes. Resultados: El análisis indicó que existe un factor latente sobre el único constructo definido -el grado de conocimiento sobre salud bucodental de cuidadores de niños con Parálisis Cerebral. El alfa de Cronbach fue 0.91. Todas las correlaciones fueron positivas y de magnitud no despreciable. Se establecieron cuatro niveles de conocimiento: "muy por debajo de lo esperado", "bajo lo esperado", "sobre lo esperado" y "muy sobre lo esperado". Conclusiones: La confiabilidad de las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento son apropiadas para su uso en atención clínica o proyectos de investigación.

Objective: To assess the psychometric properties of a specifically designed questionnaire to determine the degree of oral health knowledge of caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy. Material and methods: One hundred caregivers of children with cerebral palsy participated, users of the "Pedro Aguirre Cerda" National Rehabilitation Institute, Santiago. To evaluate the instrument, the principal component analysis was performed, Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to investigate the existing association patterns between its components, reliability was analysed (Cronbach's alpha) and, considering the percentile values of the average of the responses, the cut-off scores were determined to establish the levels of knowledge reported by the participants. Results: The analysis indicated the existence of a latent factor on the only construct defined in its design - the degree of knowledge about oral health of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. A Cronbach's alpha of 0,91 was obtained. All the correlations were positive and of a non-negligible magnitude. Four levels of knowledge were established: "well below expectations", "below expectations", "above expectations" and "very above expectations". Conclusion: The reliability of the instrument´s psychometric properties makes it suitable for its use in clinical practice or research projects.

Acta méd. peru ; 40(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519929


Para determinar los efectos de la corioamnionitis histológica en el neurodesarrollo de los prematuros menores de 34 semanas evaluados a los 2 años de edad corregida se realizó un estudio secundario de casos y controles. Fueron analizados los datos clínicos, hallazgos histológicos de la placenta e índices del desarrollo medidos por la Escala Bayley III de 38 niños expuestos y 53 niños no expuestos. Las infecciones genitourinarias de la madre y la sepsis precoz fueron más frecuentes en el grupo expuesto (p<0,005). Las dimensiones del desarrollo cognitivo, motor y lenguaje fueron normales en ambos grupos. Los expuestos al subtipo subcorionitis obtuvieron menor desempeño en las tres dimensiones. La corioamnionitis histológica no mostró influencia sobre el neurodesarrollo en prematuros menores de 34 semanas a los 2 años de edad. Se recomienda estudios longitudinales y multicéntricos para definir los efectos a largo plazo.

SUMMARY The objective of this study was to determine the effects of histologically diagnosed chorioamnionitis on neurodevelopment of premature babies born with less than 34-week gestational age who were assessed at two-year corrected age. A secondary case-control study was carried out. Clinical data, placental histological findings, and development indexes assessed using the Bayley III scale were analyzed in 38 exposed children and 53 non-exposed children. Genitourinary infections in mothers and early sepsis were more frequent in the exposed group (p<0.005). Cognitive development, motor development and language were normal in both groups. Those children exposed to the chorionitis subtype had lower scores in the aforementioned variables. Histologically diagnosed chorioamnionitis did not show any influence on neurodevelopment in premature babies born with less than 34-week gestational age when they were assessed at two years. Longitudinal and multicenter studies are advised in order to define the long-term effects.